Archive for the ‘family’ Category



October 5, 2007

my mom has started calling me daily. i will soon be screening calls especially screening calls from my mom. she informed me that my baby is her baby to which i quickly corrected her on this is not her baby this is my baby papa mouses baby and my babies baby and thats it. this baby belongs to no one but his or herself and thats that! and i am the one who has grown this baby and cared for this baby for the past 9 months and papa mouse has cared for me and helped me take care of this baby so if the baby “belonged” to someone other than the baby it would be me and then rob and thats it. when i told rob what my mom said he was a bit shocked and glad i swiftly corrected her. i don’t actually plan to tell my mom hen my baby is born i mean i will tell her but not for several or more days i don’t want to deal with her visit for a while and when she does come i will have a friend on call to help get rid of her if that needs to happen.


Birth Control

August 5, 2007

This post is inspired by a thread on a parenting forum I frequent that turned into a debate about the environmental impact of birth control pills and condoms.

I often find myself somewhat shocked at how many people do not seem to realize all the ways people can make love that do not involve intercourse or the making of babies. Because of my having had primary vaginismus when Papa Mouse and I started dating when we got to a point in our relationship where we felt ready to make love we had to be creative and find ways to make love other than intercourse. We had been together for close to 8 years before intercourse was even possible for me and after it became possible it was somewhat painful for me and still sometimes is. The pain doesn’t make it not feel good also but it is there and is a sign I still have some degree of vaginismus. Because it was not long after intercourse became possible that Papa Mouse and I decided we wanted to have a Little Mouse we have not really had to think much about birth control. We both very much enjoy intercourse and I think we are pretty good at it but we are good at so many other ways of making love that we don’t need to have intercourse to make love.

Now that my due date is approaching and soon my Little Mouse will be born and Papa Mouse and I will have to make decisions about birth control I am finding myself with a lot to ponder. I think we may just avoid intercourse unless we know it is a time of them month not close to when I ovulate. Of course with on demand breast feeding 24/7 when my fertility returns will be unpredictable. We may decide to have some condoms around for if we decide we really want to have intercourse; I have pondered using Lea’s shield but I feel uncomfortable with the spermicides available in the united states. I am especially uncomfortable with putting Nonoxynol-9 into my body. I have known women who had very bad reactions to it. I could use it without spermicide and it would have a higher chance of failure. I have also heard of mixing personal lubricant with vitamin c powder (making it acidic) and using that as a spermicide with diaphragms. There is also “the pill” and other forms of hormonal birth control. I personally am not ok with putting hormones in my body and I am not ok with the pollution of our planet earth that is caused by hormonal birth control and other medications for that matter. I have plenty of time to think about this and no idea when i will have the energy or desire to make love once Little Mouse is here anyways. It is interesting to ponder though.