Archive for the ‘beans’ Category


Ultrasounds and Beans

June 26, 2007

Next week I will be having an ultrasound and will get to see Little Mouse for the first time. Right now Little Mouse is a very good kicker. I recently had a dream where my grandmother told me I will be having a girl. Papa Mouse has left it up to me if we find out or not and I am still dithering. For a long time I did not want an ultrasound at all what has changed my mind is that a number of women I talk with on a forum who are due at the same time as me have had ultrasounds that found problems that are fixable. For some information on the safety of ultrasounds checkout this article.

Below is a very blurry photo of our pet Black Bean. Someday I might post a less blurry picture.


Awoken by a bean

June 16, 2007

I have not yet mentioned that Papa Mouse and I share our home with two pet beans. There is the Black Bean and the Cow Bean. this morning the Cow Bean lay beside me purring loudly as a gentle way of reminding me that she desired food. I woke up slowly and as I did little mouse began kicking me with all the mousiness it could muster. I got up and Papa Mouse fed the beans and I came to the office to customize my blog. Do you like it? I am trying to make it feel original but it is hard as there are not enough options to customize it to make it exactly how I want. I have found some nice mousy images though.

cow bean and mouse